Here you will find some pointers to most of my side projects. Most of them aren't directly related to my day job, but almost all of them helped in others endeavors in one way or another.
All Thingies
- -- Setup Eleventy Real Quick (sorta) (10 Feb 2023)
Even I posted about Astro, this does not mean I "betrayed" Eleventy. Au contraire: Here's a tool I devised to quickly create a full-functioning Eleventy boilerplate.
Fakegown -- Like Fakedown, but in go (20 Dec 2021)
Since I'm an old-fashioned grizzled programmer, I have a soft spot for real compiled languages, that is those who generate machine code, and a little devil asked me: what if you rewrite Fakedown in go and see how it compares to python?
Fakedown (14 Dec 2021)
When you want to test a Static Site Generator's performance but you don't have a lot of posts to feed to it, what do you do? You generate fake posts using Fakedown, that's what you do!